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Proper Exercise & Nutrition for Bone Health

When considering a change to your diet and a new approach to your health and fitness levels, it pays to have a good grounding in basic nutritional science. Now, nutrition has been the neglected sibling in the medical science family, with doctors and professors overly enamoured with pharmaceuticals and their corporate backers. This is beginning to change, however, as a new generation of medical scientists recognise the fundamental importance of a good diet and healthy lifestyle to the functioning of the human body.  Governments, in my view, have, also, neglected the importance of promoting healthy lifestyles to our communities.

Preventative Measures Can Improve Bone Health

Where are the PR ads for fruit and vegetable consumption to combat the high rotation of fast food and sugary snack ads funded by vested commercial interests? Where are the ads promoting an active lifestyle to challenge the endless number of ads for cars on our TV screens? This is where the minimal role of government in the conservative political spectrum does not serve the community well. The food and health industries cannot be left to the vagaries of the marketplace if we want to avoid billions of dollars of medical costs and enjoy longer and healthier lifestyles in Australia. Preventative measures can improve bone health, but they must be promoted by governments and health departments.

Good Nutrition Saves Lives

We need, as a nation, to find proper alignment between the needs of our community and the needs of business. Good health, which includes teeth, should be promoted on par with the many advertising campaigns promoting things, which do not equate to optimal wellbeing. Controls, which exist over the marketing of tobacco and alcohol, must be extended to foods high in sugar, with no nutritional value, and fast foods. These are not freedom of speech issues, they are small sectors of our society exploiting the suggestibility and ignorance among the young and unsophisticated among us. Good nutrition saves lives and improves bone health.

The Sedentary Lifestyle is Killing Us

The sedentary lifestyle is killing us. All these labour-saving devices, which have been invented over the last hundred years are contributing to obesity and poor bone health. Pushing buttons to wash your clothes, your dishes, do your daily work, and so on, is not conducive to good health in the long term. I mean, people are now paying to go to the gym, because their lifestyles are too physically undemanding; how ironic is that?


Living Cruelty Free in India

The cruelty free lifestyle is beginning to take hold in small pockets around the globe. The idea that we, as human beings, can make every effort to navigate our lives without contributing to excessive cruelty to animals and other human beings is a good thing. Some would go much further and take a vegan approach to their interaction with other species on this planet. Some Buddhists are committed to a similarly non-violent footprint upon the earth. Living cruelty free in India is probably easier than in the west. The country has a rich vegetarian tradition, which provides an enormous range of flesh-free ingredients and dishes.

Cruelty Free Issues in India

This is not a utopia for animals, however, with many reported bad dairy farming practices occurring around the country. There are cruelty free issues in India, which need to be addressed, before any stamp of approval is given. Developing nations are often more concerned with having enough to eat, than with the more sophisticated concerns of wealthy westerners. India has emerged in recent times as a rapidly growing middle-class behemoth. Thus, many observers feel it is time for them to pay attention to things like cruelty free practices in their agricultural and manufacturing industries.

The Cruelty Free Focus in the Beauty Industry

The cruelty free focus in the beauty industry, through animal testing in the manufacture of cosmetics, is where this whole impetus got started. In my own view, if we all stopped wearing makeup and cosmetics the world would be a better place per se. There is something basically dishonest in manipulating your appearance via makeup. The reliance on billions of dollars’ worth of creams and cosmetics, reeks of insecurity and the suggestible nature of human beings being exploited by big business, in my opinion. That animals are being made to suffer, so that the skins of human beings do not have an adverse reaction to an external substance, just makes it worse.

Humans Have Been Hurting Animals Since the Beginning

Yes, humans have been hurting animals since the beginning, in India and throughout the ancient world. You can study the writings of the ancient Greeks, Romans and early Christian fathers and find a disdainful and callous attitude to animals in the main. A very few figures like Pythagoras, Porphyry and a couple of other ancients, made the case for treating animals kindly, but the vast majority were keen to distance human beings from their four legged mammalian peers.


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